It’s a fact. When humans are involved in processes, there is always a risk of human error. We live in the data-driven future and there simply aren’t enough of us to process the increasing amounts of data required to consistently avoid increasingly complex and sophisticated cybersecurity threats. That’s where AI comes in.

As we begin 2022, artificial intelligence (AI) becomes the rising star to ensure rock-solid cybersecurity whilst also addressing the industry’s shortage of skilled workers.

Reduce Workforce Burden and Combat Human Error

The industry has witnessed severe impacts thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. With remote working becoming more commonplace and the increasing shortage of skilled workers, businesses need assistance in ensuring their cybersecurity is fit for purpose. AI is the answer.

Human error is always a factor in the repetitive tasks required in cybersecurity, but incidences are further multiplied with staff and skill shortages. One single tiny vulnerability or momentary oversight is sufficient for a breach to occur and a foothold to be established. AI algorithms can easily handle repetitive tasks and learn and recognise attack patterns, vulnerable entry points into a system and quickly resolve suspicious email threats. As a second layer of security, automated reports can be produced to be analysed by a cybersecurity professional within a business’s IT team. 

Cloud Network Security Improvements

One of the biggest trends for 2022 is the increase in cloud-based data or hybrids of legacy and cloud-based data. As more companies make this move, there becomes a need to introduce software that can monitor data in the cloud and legacy on-site data hardware.

The current approach to hybrid data storage has been the usage of expensive and error-prone software. Implementing AI can resolve these issues, effortlessly monitoring and analysing data from across multiple environments.

Enhancing Regulatory Compliance 

300 million new regulations are expected to impact businesses worldwide over the next ten years, and businesses must comply and be transparent in how they achieve and remain compliant. Ensuring this compliance will come at increased cost and be complex for many business frameworks.

To alleviate the manual aspects of compliance, the implementation of AI-based processing is a must. AI has the ability to monitor rules and regulations whilst maintaining ongoing compliance measures. Relying on spreadsheets to maintain compliance is a thing of the past.

To ensure future success, investing in and implementing AI-based processing is critical. Companies that fail to comply could be subject to hefty penalties. According to Corporate Compliance Insights, more than $15B in fines were handed out in 2020 alone.

Identity and Access Management (IAM) Security Measures 

The pandemic cultivated a broader range of remote workers, increasing the number of connected devices on wireless networks with inherently unsecure connections and vulnerabilities. This and the global spread of the internet of things (IoT) make IAM more crucial than ever.

With work from anywhere ideology and the rise in cloud-based services, IAM can provide the security frameworks for zero-trust networks, ensuring users are authenticated, authorised and validated continuously. This can help businesses reduce the manual interaction required to carry out IAM tasks by initiating goal automation in security systems. 

AI-monitored IAM with supervised algorithms and machine learning creates an environment where monitoring and analysing user activities are automatic (including keystroke and mouse tracking), and abnormal user behaviour is identified quickly.

IntraLAN’s CEO Andy Horn comments:

“The nature of IT is changing at a rapid pace. As businesses adopt emerging technologies such as blockchain security, implement IAM measures and further expand their network of connected devices, security teams also need to evolve. 

“IntraLAN ensures its teams are up to date with the latest IT and technology trends to ensure its customers’ data is secure and they are compliant with all the latest regulations.”

What are your company’s cybersecurity plans for 2022? IntraLAN is the ideal partner for enterprise-level IT and technology and critical network provision. 

Contact our team to find out more.