Has COVID-19 accelerated your Digital Transformation faster than you planned for?

by | Apr 6, 2020

The subject of digital transformation has been rumbling on for years. 

Whether you’re a business that staggered its digital transformation one process at a time or a company that ploughed ahead with more structural changes, very few of us will have been fully prepared for the seismic shift that has occurred over the last few weeks.

Need has driven change, rather than desire.

Many companies already in the process of implementing digital solutions have had to think on their feet and adopt solutions for company-wide remote working faster than planned.

The feeling of utter urgency to get things up and running can be overwhelming but it’s important to still make an informed decision that will benefit your business’s long-term digital transformation strategy, rather than simply being a quick fix to fight fires.

In the current climate, thinking about the bigger picture can be difficult so it’s important to focus on controlling what you’re able to and focus on the tangibles.

That means improvements and solutions that will bring the most immediate benefit to your employees and customers, rather than worrying about the digital transformation projects that have had to take a backseat due to the current landscape or existentially worrying about the crisis at hand.

Navigating the rapid change to IT and working practices

Old working practices have been completely turned on their head.

Head offices are now like an old mainframe in computing terms. All of the power now needs to be at the edge – traffic and data is being pushed to the edge with each individual’s remote working setup posing its own challenges.

This is why security at the edge is vital. With more endpoints come more potential routes to breach the business network.

If a wider remote working policy is likely to form the basis of your digital transformation strategy, it’s important to ensure that your edge network has the capacity to handle the increased traffic and usage.

Many of us are adapting to this new way of working without warning – some employees need additional IT support, others require new solutions to work from home such as cloud storage or unified communications.

The role of the managed service provider in digital transformation

Businesses are forced to focus on surviving these uncertain times and managed service providers like us have a duty to relieve the burden of IT by utilising our partner relationships and industry expertise to find the best fit solution for our customers.
At a time when requirements are changing exceptionally rapidly, we can help your business adapt just as rapidly, with a firm eye fixed on the future.

The ability to scale capacity up or down will be vital in the coming months, as will cybersecurity and business continuity strategies.

There are many elements to consider and you can be safe in the knowledge that we’re available to advise and deploy any IT solution you need.

We have seen phenomenal demand for our engineering resources during this time and we have been working hard to help our customers onboard their employees and adopt new solutions so teams can work remotely efficiently and securely.

We’ve been helping businesses for 25 years to navigate technological transformation and we’re primed to flex this pedigree as needed.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us to find out how we can help your business and ease the burden of implementing your digital transformation strategy.

Andy Horn, CEO